

How to Write a Summary of an English Business Newspaper?
独恋猫的鱼   2023-10-19 10:27   来源: 互联网

As a professional typesetter, I have prepared a model summary based on the article "How to Write a Summary of an English Business Newspaper?"

A summary of an English business newspaper article should be concise and informative. Here are the steps to follow when writing a summary:

1. Read the article carefully to identify the key points and main arguments.

2. Write a brief introduction that provides the reader with an overview of the article.

3. Summarize the article in two to three sentences, highlighting the most important information.

4. Use direct quotes sparingly, and only if they are essential to understanding the article.

5. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to the reader.

6. Write a concluding sentence that provides a final thought or observation on the article.

Overall, a summary of an English business newspaper article should be clear, concise, and engaging. By following these steps, you can effectively communicate the most important information from the article to your audience.

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